Learn the power of meditation with the Beginners Meditation Pack
In this pack you will discover
Learn how to start meditation including the what, when, where & how. Set yourself up for success by learning the foundation steps to help you reduce your stress with the power of meditation.
Learn all of the tools you need to successfully start meditation & make it work for you. From how to sit to basic mudras, mantras and other powerful tools to help you get started.
Get started with 5 easy beginner meditations. Simple yet powerful meditations to help you learn meditation & discover what style of meditation works best for you! These are powerful stress busting meditations.
Also included in your Beginners Pack to power up your meditation practice, is the accompanying digital audio cd! Be guided through each of the meditations you all be learning inside of the EBOOK! Powerful beginner's guided meditations to release stress, go within and be guided through your meditation journey.
Experience Yoga Nidra - a profound meditation that is known for deep relaxation and rejuvenation. A powerful meditation to release stress and relax your body, mind and emotions. A meditation experience you won't want to miss!
Time and time again I have experienced the power of meditation in both my life and the lives of my students. I am passionate about helping as many women as possible to learn meditation to awaken their true self and transform their lives.
Because as women we tend to give and give and give...often failing to fill up our cup on a consistent and regular basis! Which can lead to burnout, exhaustion and extreme stress!
Making it incredibly challenging to keep up with the ever increasing demands of life!
I know meditation can help, in the most incredible ways! And you only need a few minutes to meditate. Helping you to clear your mind, create clarity and calm!
I am a meditation and yoga teacher as well as a hypnotherapist. I have been meditating for over 20 years and have experienced first hand the amazing benefits of meditation. I understand the importance of keeping it simple and finding what style of meditation works for you.
So that you do it and keep doing it. It's all about keeping it simple!
Normally $97 Today Only $17
Learn the power of meditation with this simple and easy beginners meditation pack. A great resource to help you get started and make meditation work for you!
Meditation is easy to learn, anyone can do it!
All you need is a few minutes to get started.